Sensory Impairment
This online library of supports can help you build kits to give parents the tools they need to work with students at home.
Features virtual web classes, several classes a day at scheduled times on a variety of topics, O&M, social skills, self-determination, science, etc.
Information on apps for older and younger students, ePub books on O&M, Blindfold games with O&M concepts, concepts, etc.
Strategies and resources that families can use to support and nurture the development of skills for safe and independent travel.
Research on telepractice, guidelines, current examples of remote assistance and telepractice services.
Video on how to use Google Meet to create captioned, interpreted lessons that are recorded for later viewing.
How to make online instruction accessible to — deaf and hard of hearing students and their peers.
Make your Google Document or presentation more accessible. Tips to make them more readable by everyone, including people with disabilities.
Try these "early learning" videos of books that were adapted for children with Cortical Visual Impairment.
Article on serving students who are DHH online to include meeting legal responsibilities, list of resources and explaining coronavirus to children.
The CIRCLE Family Collection translates child development research into practice by providing a variety of hands on activities that families can do at home. This collection is organized around seven learning domains: Language & Communication, Reading & Writing, Math, Science, Social & Emotional Physical Development and Art & Sensory. Access to activities is free and offers options in both English and Spanish.
Guidance from the Council for Exceptional Children for remote learning with a link to the Virtual Activities for Teachers and Families COVID-19 LiveBinder for a compilation of resources.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) impacts the exchange of health-related information and the provision of health/habilitative services, including tele-intervention services. There are two primary aspects of HIPAA for which TI providers must be familiar: 1) Privacy, and 2) Security. This section provides resources to ensure adherence to HIPAA.
This checklist for teaching deaf students online helps educators meet their needs and ensures compliance with the law.
A variety of options for captioning including videoconferencing tools that have built-in auto-captioning.